Thursday 2 July 2009

No Parking

I saw a funny thing the other day while I was out running. It was funny strange, but funny Ha Ha too. Watch the video below and see if you can work out how this happened.

Any ideas? Well, I took the video in West London, opposite Fulham Football club on the river Thames, not far from Westcroft Square. The driver who had parked the car on the slipway obviously didn’t realise that the tide rises very high, very quickly. Can you imagine the unpleasant surprise you would have if you came back to find your nice little car half-submerged in the River Thames like this. What would you do?

Unfortunately I don't know what happened to the car or how the driver reacted when they got back. How would you feel? Perhaps the worst thing would be the big crowd of people standing around taking pictures of your car and laughing. How embarrassing! I don’t think I would own up to it being my car - I'd just pretend it was someone else's and laugh along with them. Then I'd wait until everyone had gone home before trying to drive away.

Whatever happened, I hope that the driver's insurance covered the damage. I'm sure he or she will be more careful next time.


funny strange or funny Ha Ha fixed expression this is generally a spoken expression used to explain that the word funny can mean either something that makes you laugh or something unusual or unexpected

slipway n (C) a sloping track that is used for moving boats into or out of the water

submerged adj to cover something completely with water or another liquid

to own up phr. v to admit that you have done something wrong

Some definitions taken from Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, Pearson Education Ltd 2003

1 comment:

  1. I saw this happen once as well. There were a couple of cars in the water. When I came back later the water had gone down and the cars were on the slipway again, but they were covered in mud! It must happen all the time.
