Friday 26 June 2009

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Thursday 25 June 2009

Summer's here...

…and the blogging is easy. There are a lot of things that the British associate with the start of summer. The Wimbledon tennis tournament, strawberries and cream, music festivals, hay fever, deckchairs, picnics in the park, ice cream, barbecues, sunburn and, of course, rain.

Every year we hope for the same thing - that this summer is going to be an absolute scorcher! Not like last year's total washout. More often than not, we feel like it's the latter of the two. The reality of course is that in Britain we get both. A typical English summer starts with a week of sunshine followed by a week of rain followed by a bit of cold weather and then another week of rain. All the while, the great British public wait anxiously, checking the weather forecast religiously to find out when the next period of hot, sunny weather will be. June merges into July and then into August and then before you know it, it's September and we all start hoping for an Indian Summer. And then it's gone again and all we've got to look forward to is a long, wet autumn before we all start checking the weather forecast again to see if it'll snow at Christmas.

The truth is, when we do have nice weather, London is a great place to be. The whole city buzzes with excitement as everyone heads down to the park to play games and have a picnic or go swimming in the famous lidos or the outdoor pools in Hampstead. Because nice, sunny weather isn't common in the UK, the British appreciate it much more than those of you who come from, say, a Mediterranean country. We're just not used to the sun, and so we try to make the most of it by staying out all day letting our white, pale skin turn a lovely shade of pink or red before going to the nearest beer garden for an ice-cold drink. The next time a British person says "Isn't it a lovely day?" when for you it is nothing special, remember that it's because they're excited and genuinely happy that the sun is shining. You should smile politely and say "Yes it's beautiful out there".

It isn't all good though. The parks get very busy, and then of course you start sneezing a coughing because of the pollen in the trees and flowers. Due to a lack of facilities, London isn't very-well prepared for hot weather. For example, taking a tube in summer is a bit like getting into a sauna, fully-dressed, with 100 people you don't know very well and standing as close to them as possible with your face in their armpit. The busses aren't much better and people generally try to avoid work and travel as little as possible.

For us teachers, summer is the busiest time of the year as half of Europe seems to come through the school doors, only to leave a week or two later. It's a great opportunity for you to meet a lot of interesting people in a very short time and to join the English in the park (or the beer garden of course). All in all, it's my favourite time of the year and one of the most fun times to learn English.

Bear in mind though, that coming to London in summer can be a lottery. You may be here for a week when the sun shines every day, or you may be unfortunate enough to see nothing but grey sky and rain from Monday to Friday. In class, I often ask my students what they think about the weather. Some say "Oh the weather in London is wonderful" whereas others say "It's freezing!" Whatever their answer, I always smile as it just depends on which week you happen to be in London - a hot week or a wet week! We just never know what is going to happen, and that's why we love the British summer. As the American writer Russell Baker said, "Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it."


hay fever n (U) a seasonal medical condition like a bad cold which is caused by pollen

deckchair n (C) a folding chair with a long sheet of cloth often used in public parks, beach or on ships

absolute scorcher adj+n (C) inf. col. a period of very hot, sunny weather

total washout adj+n (C) inf. col. a period of very wet, rainy weather

the latter n (C) the second of two things just mentioned

to wait anxiously v+adv col. to feel worried or nervous about something you hope or expect will arrive

to check religiously v+adv col. to check something very often

Indian summer adj+n. a period of nice, often unexpected, weather at the end of summer

to buzz with excitement fixed expression a lot of activity and excitement within a group of people or place

to head down to phr. v. to go towards

lido n (C) an outdoor swimming pool with an area for sunbathing

to make the most of something fixed expression to get as much use or enjoyment as possible out of something

beer garden n (C) an area with seats outside a pub

to be genuinely happy adv +adj col. to feel very happy

pollen n (U) a fine powder produced by flowers which is carried by the wind or by insects to other flowers making them produce seeds

lack n (U) where there is not enough of something

all in all fixed expression used to show that you are considering every part of a situation

to bear in mind fixed expression to remember a fact or a piece of information that is important or could be useful in the future

Some definitions taken from Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, Pearson Education Ltd 2003

Tuesday 16 June 2009

Second Post!

Hi everyone, and welcome to the London School of English World Blog.

At the moment we are working on the blog. It isn't finished yet, but soon you will be able to read lots of news and information here. There are four teachers who will be writing on this blog. They are Andy, Ben, Heather and me. You can read about them by clicking on their profile names on the right of this page. They're all very nice, and they know a lot about English! In fact - they're brilliant teachers! Aren't you lucky to be able to have contact with them absolutely FREE on this blog?? Yes of course you are!

Come back to the LSE World Blog and you'll be able to read about our recent news, activities and stories. We'll also teach you some really useful vocabulary here. 

At the moment we are preparing the blog, but it will be ready really soon. 

Goodbye for now!


p.s. Have a look at this video of the London School of English. At 2:05 you can see me teaching - I say the word 'situation' too many times! It's quite funny...

Friday 5 June 2009

Hello and welcome to the London School of English blog!